The title track, Kati Agócs’s I and Thou, features quiet trills, a sad graceful dance, and a hint of Britten's Bridge Variations. The cellists produce all sorts of wonderful sounds in pursuit of Agócs's goal of "fusing the instruments in to a single meta-cello" - GRAMOPHONE MAGAZINE, Review of CD “I and Thou” by VC2 Cello Duo, May 2023 (Laurence Vittes Gram)

"Kati Agócs's music is blessedly unsophisticated in any conventional way. Instead it has heart; it reaches the hearer through melody, drama, and clear design. Even a brief recent cello duet, I and Thou, with its soulful directness, and its naturalness of dissonance, reveals much about the composer’s address to the listener." 

- THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND LETTERS, Citation for the Charles Ives Fellowship, Awarded May 2008 

"Both cellists were heard in I and Thou, a new piece commissioned from Kati Agócs, a gifted young composer who recently earned her doctorate from Juilliard. A brooding first movement, punctuated with courtly trills, segued into a second movement in which syncopated melodies were draped across chugging ostinatos. The performance could have used more polish, but the music warranted Ms. Agócs’s inclusion in such notable company." 

- THE NEW YORK TIMES, Review of the Orchestra of St. Luke’s Second Helpings Series, Notable Women Festival- - Works by Joan Tower, Libby Larsen, Tania Léon, Jennifer Higdon, and Kati Agócs, 12 June 2007 (Steve Smith)